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First Range Trip...

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First Range Trip... Empty First Range Trip...

Post by Bushyar15 Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:50 am

Finally got a chance to get to the range yesterday.

Overall, I'm very pleased with my CRB. Mine is setup with a Trijicon Reflex sight and a grip pod. Because of the dumb** lawmakers in Colorado, I only have standard 13 round magazines.

Overall I was very pleased with it…

Just some observations;

"Rapid Fire" at 25 yards had a pattern that was approximately 5-5" in diameter. Better than good enough for CQB.
The iron Sights were way off. No biggie, just an observation and obviously easily adjusted.
Only 1 FTF with the first round in a full magazine, only happened once.
Charging handle was never an issue on mine, but with about 75 rounds down range, its gotten much easier.

I do need to change my position on the rifle though. When I initially was sighting it in, I was using a sled to ensure consistent aim point. Leaned over it like a hunting rifle, the "rise" in the stock would "hit" my cheek… But once I stood up and held it more like my ARs, it wasn't so much an issue..

Overall very happy with it. I just need to get it SBR'ed!


Posts : 22
Join date : 2013-12-07
Location : Colorado

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First Range Trip... Empty Re: First Range Trip...

Post by Canman Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:26 pm

Sounds like you had a good time. The 13 round thing would suck for sure. I thought you could grandfather in your mags? You could have bought your mags years before you got your Kriss.
Y'all get some more pissed off plumbers and stop illegal immigration from California over there you should have that state straighten back out soon!


Posts : 53
Join date : 2012-10-05

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First Range Trip... Empty Re: First Range Trip...

Post by Bushyar15 Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:15 am

Yeah, I can't believe Colorado has moved closer to being another Kalifornia… Time to move to Arizona…

There is a grandfather clause… but the problem is trying to get the magazines in the state. Online shops won't ship to Colorado and the local shops don't carry them.

What I find interesting or moronic, is how our (Colorado) legislature passes these laws yet law enforcement isn't enforcing some of them such as the magazine limits. A few "gun shows" ago, people were selling and buying 30 round magazines. There were cops there and people were waving the mags in the cops face and the cops just laughed. Some gun shops here are selling "parts kits" which are disassembled magazines…

Well, we've recalled some of these idiot liberals, more to come I'm sure…

Anyways, I love the Kriss… Its a keeper


Posts : 22
Join date : 2013-12-07
Location : Colorado

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