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Caldwell AR Brass Catcher.

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Caldwell AR Brass Catcher. Empty Caldwell AR Brass Catcher.

Post by Jedi380 Thu Feb 27, 2014 5:53 pm

Caldwell Brass Catcher

This thing is great! It mounts on to the Picatinny Rail, and catches the brass without being too much in the way.   cheers
I used it on the SDP and an AR Pistol I recently got.

The mount on the "basket" can be moved to any position, so that it can be mounted in front or behind sights on the rail. It is, however, fairly difficult to remove the bag from the frame to get to the screws, though. They are on top of the mount under the edge of the bag, which is securely held on by velcro.

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Join date : 2013-01-24
Location : Dayton, OH

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Caldwell AR Brass Catcher. Empty Re: Caldwell AR Brass Catcher.

Post by bluonyx Fri Feb 28, 2014 4:19 am

Is this the one that you have?

It's the one that I've been eyeing for my CX4 Storm and PTR91 as well. Since it can be moved forward and back it seems like it would work on a wide variety of rails. Especially since the PTR loves to throw the brass forward on my rifle. I just ordered it.

Caldwell AR Brass Catcher. 779085

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Caldwell AR Brass Catcher. Empty Re: Caldwell AR Brass Catcher.

Post by Jedi380 Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:37 pm

Yep, that's it.  *That is a LINK in the first line of my post!  Smile

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Join date : 2013-01-24
Location : Dayton, OH

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