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Another Successful Range Session

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Another Successful Range Session Empty Another Successful Range Session

Post by MadDogDan Wed Mar 26, 2014 6:05 pm

I Just moved to another state and found a good range not to far from my house.  Yesterday I decided to take the Suppressed SBR out along with my FNP-45 Tactical to try out the new hometown range.  I took with me six 25 round mags, four 13 round mags and one 10 round mag for the Kriss.  Also took 500 rounds of a mix of UMC, Blazer, Winchester White Box, Aquila and some rounds I can't even identify.  This thing rocked, not one FTE or FTF.  Went bang every time I pressed the trigger no matter how fast.  It ran 100% as always, and as always a lot of fun.

MadDog  partytime

Another Successful Range Session DSC00399_zps16896cc3


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Join date : 2013-03-20

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Another Successful Range Session Empty Re: Another Successful Range Session

Post by zerorice Thu Apr 24, 2014 4:26 pm

What brand of suppressor is that? I'm looking to put one on my SBR as well.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2014-04-23

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