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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

JP Griffin
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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by Mkatana427 Thu Apr 17, 2014 6:04 pm

Hello all,

I'm a new Kriss owner and were unfortunately meeting under poor circumstance.

So I have been an admirer of the Vector carbine for some years now and finally pulled the trigger literally.
I purchased one this past weekend and I'm sorry to say...Im Kriss Pissed off ;/
After firing 400 rounds of 230 gn whitebox and some S&B all I can say is how disappointed I am.
14 failures to battery(bullet stuck on feed ramp) and 5 stovepipes.....all while using different glock mags I had from my 21 as well as the one that came with it. I'll add that I cleaned and lubed this firearm while @ the range with Balistol just to rule out poor lube and grime.
Now I have been shooting for 15 years and own many firearms. I understand some guns do need a break in but, usually its only around 300 rounds from my experience and then there loose and good to go. I believe my Kriss has a problem and called Kriss and was informed that they want me to send it back and can expect it to be returned in 6-8 WEEKS minimum!!! REALLY? Now that's some unsatisfactory BS...especially since there's no official recall going on and they should be operating under "normal" conditions. Aside from this I cant get over the fact that I paid nearly $2000 for a possible lemon.

So I ask you seasoned owners for some insight......keep putting more rounds, send it back or try to get my $$ back by returning it to the gunshop via my CC company.

input would be greatly appreciated.......thank you


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by JP Griffin Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:06 pm

The first day I shot mine (the day I bought it at the gun shop's range) I had a few failures to feed and failures to eject. I put less than 100 rounds through it. I cleaned and oiled it when I got home. The next time I went to the same range I put close to 200 rounds of 230 gr FMJ and had not one single FTF or FTE.
The first day I used my old 13 round Glock 21 magazines. The second day I used extended magazines that I bought directly from Kriss.
I wouldn't consider myself a 'seasoned owner' since I just bought mine a little over a month ago.

JP Griffin

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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Experiment w/ different ammo

Post by Mattrog Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:18 pm

Makes a big difference.


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by huffmaj3 Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:26 am

The Kriss is fickle. They have approved ammo on their site that they suggest you use. Federal American Eagle runs great in mine. PMC sucked and I havent tried Winchester (which is not on the list). I know you said you lubed it but before you send it in lube again and use approved ammo. Hopefully that treats you better. Good luck!!


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by Mkatana427 Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:53 am

thank you for the input guys......but, I am no longer a Kriss owner sadly.

I went back to the range/shop today to give the Kriss one more chance....

Fully cleaned and lubed....using Federal ammo I tried to put another 200 rounds without problems and it failed me.
I had 11 more FTF and 3 stove pipes.......sorry I loved the design but, will not put up with such a fickle gun for $2k.

The store owner didn't want to do anything for me except buy it back for $1200....I balked and threatened to call my CC company and have them do a charge back which they would gladly do. Them I proposed a bet with him cause I think he really doubted my story. I said go shot 100 rounds on me with out any type of malfunction and Ill leave the store. He immediately gave the Kriss to his smith who proceeded to clean/lube it....long story short he had a hard time charging the Kriss which made me laugh......then didn't make it past 50 when the mag fell out. Needless to say...I left with a check.

I cant express how excited I was to finally get the Kriss and my disappointment with the learned issues was too much for me.
All that on top of the lady Veronica @ customer service who really didn't seem to give a crap.
Wish you guys all the best with your KRiss's I mean that whole hartedly.......cause I wanted to be one of you ;/

Last edited by Mkatana427 on Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by huffmaj3 Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:33 am

Sorry to hear man!


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by Solscud007 Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:07 pm

I say keep shooting and use the failures as a point in your training/practice regime. Use it as practice to get the weapon back up and running fast. My Vector malfunctioned as I got closer to 4K rds thru it. Eventually sent it back in.

I try not to expect much from such a small company. The Vector is pretty much their only product. Sure the KRISS Group also has Sphinx and Defiance. But we arent talking about that. They only make one product in slight variations but not a lot. Adding a longer barrel or taking a stock off does not cause issues with a weapon system.

I would send it back if it bothers you. Just go into owning a Vector that it is what it is. Do not expect more out of it. If you dont raise your expectations you wont get upset with it. Accept it and adapt. You will be a better shooter for it.

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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by Xn0r Sat May 10, 2014 10:24 pm

Hm. I must be one of the lucky ones that got a good one. I've rarely had any malfunctions with mine. Have shot whitebox winchester hollopoints, reloads, federal, etc.

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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by danelonson Sun May 11, 2014 7:16 pm

I think it depends on what S/N u have. I bet that the people that don't have malfunctions have later serial numbers


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by s2kcrick Thu May 15, 2014 7:17 pm

Hey Guys, I'm having feed problems with mine too. Using two 10 rd glock 21 mags, the second to last round is always getting stuck pointing upward, and it only happens with mag completely filled. I tried just loading 2 rounds then 3 rounds and it worked fine. Does the feed ramp need to be polished?


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by Kiptroloxe Sun May 18, 2014 1:10 am

My SDP has had failure to fire from light primer strikes (3/100) usually, but never any other problems. I switched out my firing pin spring, and its a noticeable difference. Just trying to push the firing pin in with the bolt is out with the original spring was difficult. Most firearms do not even have spring reset on the firing pin, so I replaced the spring with one that achieved the reset with minimal spring tension. Its super easy to push in the firing pin in now, and resets fine. Got the idea from another member, its a great mod if your into shooting whatever brand or reload you want.

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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Issues ? which SN's are affected

Post by PF29 Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:37 am

danelonson wrote:I think it depends on what S/N u have. I bet that the people that don't have malfunctions have later serial numbers
Does anyone know which SN#'s are problematic or affected with issues? I just bought one via an impulse buy last weekend, (which I rarely do when it comes to firearms) after some reading the Kriss seems to be plagued with problems. Mags falling out, charging handle issues etc. I'm getting a lil worried and maybe I should I take it back. It came with a kriss test/progress report that showed a 4/13 date. Any help would be appreciated! thanks in advance everyone. I'm new to this forum and really like the design of the Kriss as far as alternate PDW for the home, hopefully I can keep mine.

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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by Shaggs Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:02 am

store it with the bolt back with tension on the spring... it greatly improves the break in


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Lucked out

Post by PF29 Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:11 pm

PF29 wrote:
danelonson wrote:I think it depends on what S/N u have. I bet that the people that don't have malfunctions have later serial numbers
Does anyone know which SN#'s are problematic or affected with issues? I just bought one via an impulse buy last weekend, (which I rarely do when it comes to firearms) after some reading the Kriss seems to be plagued with problems. Mags falling out, charging handle issues etc. I'm getting a lil worried and maybe I should I take it back. It came with a kriss test/progress report that showed a 4/13 date. Any help would be appreciated! thanks in advance everyone. I'm new to this forum and really like the design of the Kriss as far as alternate PDW for the home, hopefully I can keep mine.

Took the Kriss for the test at the range this past weekend.
Put 200 rds with out any issues. Also verified with Kriss USA as far as my production model having been cleared of any issues upon built release date. I luckily purchased a 10k + SN model. It was cleared of all issues.Prior to the range visit,I still followed all directions given by members here. I downloaded the manual so I can read it and see the pictures, I took note of the ammo that should be used,lubricated as suggested at all points & racked the bolt so the spring can loosen a little.
by the 100th rd, racking was smooth. i know there are a lot of lubricants out there and Kriss suggest to use OTIS. I currently am using Fireclean. ( which is amazing stuff. try it out and you might just like it.  So i'm glad this purchase came out to be a positive one. I now have a primary PDW to protect home and family.  10 10 10 10

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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by HAROLD777 Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:35 am

I got a CRB lemon too. only I couldn't get my money back. Mine feeds ammo fine but the front pin hole is oversized and the upper and lower moves, which equals 5"groups from 25 yards . I sent it in to Kriss and they kept it for 3 months and sent it back and said it was within specs, they didn't fix anything . How can that be OK? You can see the barrel move when you hold it . The customer service people were nice and understanding but they told me the gunsmiths said it is OK. Looks like I am stuck with a high dollar spray and pray gun.....


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

Post by Ezveedub Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:39 am

Something must be up with later Kriss Vectors. I have a low serial# in the 400s and it's has never had any of these issues. Never had any issues with Winchester, Speer Gold Dot +P, Magtech, Fiocchi or Precision Ammo.


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Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!! Empty Re: Just bought a Kriss carbine over the weekend.......and im Krissed off!!

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