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loose pin???

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loose pin??? Empty loose pin???

Post by glockblocked Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:26 pm

So, I picked up my Kriss Vector SDP today. I love it but, I notice the upper and lower receiver have a little play. On a closer inspection I noticed that one of the pins (for breaking the firearm down) is loose. It's the top pin nearest the barrel. I can push it out with zero force and it wobbles. I tried switching pins and the problem still occurs. That would suggest that the hole is not the right size.




Posts : 21
Join date : 2014-03-20

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loose pin??? Empty Re: loose pin???

Post by glockblocked Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:21 pm

Well, looks like I'm sending it back. Because the upper is separated from the lower a little, that is going to effect the accuracy of the firearm. Never even got to shoot it. Sucks, now I'm that guy posting about a " vector down". Dreamed if owning this gun for 3 years. Bummed.


Posts : 21
Join date : 2014-03-20

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loose pin??? Empty loose pin= bad grouping

Post by HAROLD777 Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:00 am

I sent my CRB one week after I got it for a loose front pin . I asked if they made an oversized pin to correct the lack of accuracy.
They sent my  gun back to me and called me and told me it was within specs. How can a 5" grouping at 25 yards be normal.
They told me that they shoot them between 7 to 25 yards. The front pin has 14thousands gap from the pin and trunion on the bottom section . I told them I could have made my own pin but the gun was under warrenty. They told me it sounded like a good idea.
The customer service people at Kriss are great and were very understanding but their gunsmiths must be ****,not so smart, not to see excessive movement between the upper and lower. It took them three months to send it back to me unrepaired I am very disappointed with this firearm and I would not recommend it to anyone.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2014-10-15

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loose pin??? Empty Re: loose pin???

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