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Help Needed - replacing bolt catch lever

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Help Needed - replacing bolt catch lever Empty Help Needed - replacing bolt catch lever

Post by NFA Toyz Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:21 pm

Hello Group,

I am trying to replace the bolt catch lever on a CRB. Mine broke, no idea when or how but the skinner side snapped off. I just noticed it one day in the safe, called KRISS, sent a picture and they promptly sent me a new lever for free. My problem is once I removed the bolt lock block assembly, i can not figure out how to remove the pin (or screw) holding the lever in (top side is flush with the assembly housing and the bottom in sunk inside). I tried looking it up but haven't seen anyone mention it and the armorer manual doesn't go into that level of detail. My guess is a punch & hammer but thought I better ask first. Thanks in a advance to anyone who knows.

NFA Toyz

Posts : 1
Join date : 2014-11-22

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