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new member wanting to purchase new sdp

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new member wanting to purchase new sdp Empty new member wanting to purchase new sdp

Post by johngarcez Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:49 am


Just trying to get my hands on a new kriss vector sdp. I live in San Antonio TX and t here are only two dealers nearby. They said they can only order through a distributor. I have seen many comments on the forum about updates that have been done to older models. I do not want to buy an older version that I must immediately ship back to factory because of updated parts .Is there any way to receive an already updated model ? How can I find out if the model they find through the distributor is one of the ones with issues ? Does kriss cover two way shipping for faulty units? Is there a money back guarantee? $1900+TAX is a lot to pay for something with no guarantee it will function properly.


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Join date : 2015-02-02

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new member wanting to purchase new sdp Empty Re: new member wanting to purchase new sdp

Post by wayneside Tue Feb 03, 2015 8:19 am

Order from this gentleman and have it shipped to your local FFL. You will save on the taxes for sure and he has a great price on them. They will be the most recent units available. I have a few Vectors and have no issues whatsoever! I'm in Corpus Christi, Texas...a little south of you!


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new member wanting to purchase new sdp Empty Re: new member wanting to purchase new sdp

Post by johngarcez Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:48 am

Just bought my first vector. Can't wait to try it. Rocky top tactical had it. Just hope it's not a Lemmon. Will post update once I receive it .


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new member wanting to purchase new sdp Empty Re: new member wanting to purchase new sdp

Post by wayneside Wed Feb 04, 2015 5:18 am

awesome! congrats!


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new member wanting to purchase new sdp Empty Re: new member wanting to purchase new sdp

Post by theviolin3 Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:42 pm

I got mine from prepper gun shop. He's cheaper and customer service is on point! Funny I'm in Beaumont tx. Tx guys seem so dominant this forum so far lol


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