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Buyer beware of Advanced Armament/an ongoing experience

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Buyer beware of Advanced Armament/an ongoing experience  Empty Buyer beware of Advanced Armament/an ongoing experience

Post by PaseMkr Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:50 am


I want to share the ridiculous customer service experience that I have had with Advanced Armament in order to hopefully spare others from having to deal with such a poor company. I would start by saying that I have 4 suppressors and three of them are AAC, so I have been a good and loyal customer. AAC used to have their act together but this appears to no longer be the case since Remington purchased them. It now seems that the executives at Remington and Freedom Group are not only content with running Remington into the ground, they also seek to ruin every other company that they get their meat hooks into.

Back in early May I began trying to purchase a Triad adapter for my suppressors. At the time their website was showing the item out of stock and would not allow me to place a back order. I called AAC and spoke with Nick. He informed me that the Triad adapter WAS in stock, but since they were in the process of moving, all inventory was boxed up and nothing was allocated to their online store. He agreed to take my order over the phone, but when he discovered that I was going to use a rebate code from the “Damn the Man” promo, he said he had no way of entering the order with a rebate code and that I would have to wait until the IT Department allocated the inventory to their online store and I would have to place the order online. He told me that it should be a week or two before the online store would be up and running again. I continued to check the website week by week with the adapter still not showing in stock. Finally on June 3rd (a month later), the adapter showed in stock and I placed my order online. To this day, I still do not have this adapter. I called AAC about ten days after placing my order and much to my surprise, it still had not shipped. I was told that they were having computer problems and had to manually re-enter 800 orders and ship that back log out, but not to worry, because my the adapter was allocated to my order and I would not lose my hold on the inventory. Each Monday for the next 4 weeks I called to follow up and each time I was told by either Nick or Nohh that the my order would ship by the end of that week and it never did. Finally, I spoke with Nohh on July 15th and I was told that my order was packaged and ready to ship. Nohh told me that UPS was scheduled to pick it up Friday, July 17th and that I would have it Wednesday, July 22nd. On July 24th at 1pm EST, I called and spoke with Nohh again after no adapter showed up and he then told me that it was scheduled to ship August 7th. I asked to speak with a manager and was met with a curt response, “you can talk to me.” I explained that I HAD been speaking with him and Nick for weeks and obviously it was not getting me anywhere. I again asked to speak with a manager and Nohh again met my request with the same short response. I then asked Nohh if he was denying my request to speak with a manager and he told me that he was the only one there. I asked him to take my contact information and have a manager call me before the end of business that day. I received no phone call. This situation is ridiculous. Believe it or not, I actually received my Form 1 approval to SBR the MPX pistol which I was purchasing the adapter for before I received an in stock item from Advanced Armament.

I would like to warn everyone to steer clear of Advanced Armament. Years ago, AAC had some of the best suppressor technology, but since that time, many other players have surpassed AAC’s development. Since Remington purchased AAC many of the key people who made AAC the company that it use to be have either been let go or moved on. Also, we have all seen the negative effects that The Freedom Group has had on Remington, since that purchase, so I guess S**T does roll downhill. So now that their are so many other good options available, I really hope that my warning is taken to heart by the members of this forum. If I can spare just one person the headaches that I have been dealing with from AAC, then my mission will have been accomplished. Thanks for letting me vent to the forum.



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Join date : 2012-10-21

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