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Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector?

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Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector? Empty Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector?

Post by Cinnamonbarmike Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:16 am

Hey guys, I noticed a dent when i was cleaning my gun from trigger firing pin . I don't know to much about kriss vector but if anyone can help explaining what this dent is please help me.

Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector? Img_7610


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Join date : 2016-11-28

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Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector? Empty Re: Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector?

Post by DBLSHOT79 Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:54 am

That happens when ur hammer isn't locked back and you separate the upper and lower. The hammer being spring loaded hits the ejection port once the weapon is taken apart. Charge the cocking handle and do not press the trigger before you field strip your Vector and it will no longer hit the charging port.


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Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector? Empty Re: Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector?

Post by Cinnamonbarmike Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:56 pm

DBLSHOT79 wrote:That happens when ur hammer isn't locked  back and you separate the upper and lower. The hammer being spring loaded hits the ejection port once the weapon is taken apart. Charge the cocking handle and do not press the trigger before you field strip your Vector and it will no longer hit the charging port.
Got it !, thank you very much for clearing it up. Noob mistake


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Join date : 2016-11-28

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Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector? Empty Re: Do you have this PROBLEM with your Kriss Vector?

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