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want to modify SBR in cali

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want to modify SBR in cali Empty want to modify SBR in cali

Post by gwoods10 Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:31 pm

So I want to have a folding stock and a button release for my SBR but they are illigal in cali. But i plan on moving out of the state in the next few months( Im in the military) and i want to know how I can get the stock to fold and if there is a button release for the gun? I hate having to put in a key everytime i want to release the mag.


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Join date : 2012-03-09

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want to modify SBR in cali Empty Re: want to modify SBR in cali

Post by Solscud007 Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:43 pm

How is it that you have a SBR in Cali? Are they legal? If so I hate NY even more.

But it is simple. The stock release button is pinned. You need to pop the roll pin and remove the hinge pin. Then replace the stock latch button with original stock parts.

The hinge pin should be a shoulder screw with the hex drilled out. In most cases it is red loctited in. So you need to heat it and unscrew it somehow. Then you can replace it with a standard take down pin.

Look around on this site. Someone has a SDP and removed the stock delete. It is similar to your stock. Is your stock button flush with the stock? got pics?

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Age : 44
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