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Stamp came in !!!

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Stamp came in !!! Empty Stamp came in !!!

Post by beltfed Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:38 am

My AAC Ti-Rant 45 stamp came in Friday. 6 months and 3 days door to door, 5 months exactly pending. As some of you may have seen I had my KRISS rethreaded to .578x28 threads to accommodate my suppressor and it matches my FNP 45 Tactical as well so I don't have to swap pistons in the suppressor to swap it between guns.

Here's the thread with the info on my barrel re-threading:

I can honestly say that when shot wet, the action of the KRISS makes more audible noise than the round firing. The guns action is very noisy.

I shot 200 230grn ball through my KRISS and 200 230grn through my FNP 45 Tactical today. Here's a few pics of them:

KRISS SDP wearing the Ti-Rant 45 after a day at the range
Stamp came in !!! 61d1d394

The thread conversion mentioned in the post above is beautiful on the SDP:
Stamp came in !!! 68a79f38

Here's the Ti-Rant on the FNP:
Stamp came in !!! 59838005

Just waiting on one more stamp so I can finish this:
Stamp came in !!! 0172247e

And just to brag a little:
Stamp came in !!! 11c158a4


Posts : 68
Join date : 2012-03-11

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Stamp came in !!! Empty Re: Stamp came in !!!

Post by mambro Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:45 am

Greatness! Did you go Ti-RANT 45 or 45S (short)?


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Location : McKinney, TX

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Stamp came in !!! Empty Re: Stamp came in !!!

Post by beltfed Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:57 am

I chose the full size for full suppression.......

As Im sure you know, Suppressors work with volume, the bigger the can the more gas it can absorb and the less "pop" is heard. Its freakishly quiet, almost feels like you wanna shoot your buddy in the leg because you think its like an airsoft gun, its so quiet it cant be a full power loaded 45 ACP round........but, oh yes, it, no shooting friends in the leg with it......


Posts : 68
Join date : 2012-03-11

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Stamp came in !!! Empty Re: Stamp came in !!!

Post by mambro Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:16 am

Cool! Yep, I did see some numbers on the 45 vs. 45S. Both looked good, with the longer/larger coming out on top (no surprise for the reasons you noted):

Stamp came in !!! Aactirant45acpdbnumbers

Very much looking forward to pics of the complete setup when you get your stamp for the SBR!


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Location : McKinney, TX

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Stamp came in !!! Empty Re: Stamp came in !!!

Post by beltfed Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:23 am

( humble bows )....

Thank you, thank you.

SBR stamp has been pending since May 1, its gonna be a while. Im expecting November but unfortunately Im gonna be deployed (active duty) in sept. So no pics of the SBR converted SDP until approx APR of 2013 when I return..........booo (thumbs down).


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Stamp came in !!! Empty Re: Stamp came in !!!

Post by Solscud007 Tue Jun 26, 2012 4:10 pm

Thanks. Rub it in. I live vicariously thru your pictures. Mind taking some video so I can hear how quiet it really is. Supressed and non suppressed.


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Stamp came in !!! Empty Re: Stamp came in !!!

Post by beltfed Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:30 pm

Yea, I'll get some vids up one of these days.


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Join date : 2012-03-11

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Stamp came in !!! Empty Re: Stamp came in !!!

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