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hello from CA

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hello from CA Empty hello from CA

Post by Snw619 Wed Aug 15, 2012 8:32 pm

Hi guys well i might not have the KRISS vector yet, however I've been calling around searching southern san diego for a dealer. Found one that can order it will take a few months he said. I don't mind the wait but I'm still debating whether or not i should get the vector or the hk usc. Im really stuck in between these two guns. What do you think of course the guys on the hk forums said hk(not a surprise there) but id like to hear your guys pros and cons of the gun. Ive read the ftf/fte problem has far been fixed. Any other problems anyone is having? Please any and all information is good information thanks!


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hello from CA Empty Re: hello from CA

Post by mambro Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:05 pm

Welcome to the forum! Yep, no surprise on the HK fans preferring the USC... and there will be folks here that are fans of the Vector. Goes with the territory... but... there have been a few conversations about the HK USC and comparing it to the Vector.

Here is one to get you going:

Even with California restrictions, I'm surprised that you were told it would take a few months to get. What kind of price are you working with in California? scratch


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hello from CA Empty Re: hello from CA

Post by Snw619 Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:06 am

Well price wise I'm looking at 1850+/- a few dollars out the door. Not sure I'm sure its a little cheaper in other areas. 1699.99 base price+tax+dros. I think I'm going to go with the vector i like the look and ergonomics of it. But i would still like to hear any testimonials.


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hello from CA Empty Re: hello from CA

Post by mambro Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:32 am

Here's a jump start on the search within our forums with a fair amount of info (including video) on the UMP/USC topic:


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hello from CA Empty Re: hello from CA

Post by CatMostFeared Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:14 am

Glad to have you here
The California natives are taking over

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hello from CA Empty Re: hello from CA

Post by Solscud007 Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:05 am

A member on here, hasnt been around in a while, has the UMP and KRISS. He equated it to a kit car and an audi. Hk being the Audi and the KRISS being a kit car.

I didnt believe him so we met up. Here is the video I ran.

The HK is superb. It is solid and tolerances are insane. However there are some pretty big detractors for me.

1. The mags are hard to get. But more importantly they are a really stupid design. It is very difficult to ascertain the forward direction of the mags. So I ended up inserting mags facing backwards. this can be easily solved with many different solutions. Grip tape on one side, a forward beveled edge.

2. Top rail does not co-witness sights.

3. it is more expensive than the KRISS.

However the KRISS has its own issues. Like it cant eject a fail to fire or live round. It will extract it but it just sits there. Other issues we discovered is the play in the upper and lower recievers. It can have an affect on your sights not being to stay on zero.

Non ambi mag release and non ambi charging handle makes things difficult for lefties.

It really depends on what you plan on using these for. I use my KRISS in competition. Could I do that with the UMP? probably. But i know the KRISS so well even when I have malfunctions. I know this system and it is just exotic so I like it.

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hello from CA Empty Re: hello from CA

Post by Snw619 Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:36 pm

Solscud007 wrote:A member on here, hasnt been around in a while, has the UMP and KRISS. He equated it to a kit car and an audi. Hk being the Audi and the KRISS being a kit car.

I didnt believe him so we met up. Here is the video I ran.

The HK is superb. It is solid and tolerances are insane. However there are some pretty big detractors for me.

1. The mags are hard to get. But more importantly they are a really stupid design. It is very difficult to ascertain the forward direction of the mags. So I ended up inserting mags facing backwards. this can be easily solved with many different solutions. Grip tape on one side, a forward beveled edge.

2. Top rail does not co-witness sights.

3. it is more expensive than the KRISS.

However the KRISS has its own issues. Like it cant eject a fail to fire or live round. It will extract it but it just sits there. Other issues we discovered is the play in the upper and lower recievers. It can have an affect on your sights not being to stay on zero.

Non ambi mag release and non ambi charging handle makes things difficult for lefties.

It really depends on what you plan on using these for. I use my KRISS in competition. Could I do that with the UMP? probably. But i know the KRISS so well even when I have malfunctions. I know this system and it is just exotic so I like it.

Hey thanks for the very thought out review. Hmm in a weird situation i am left handed naturally however shooting I'm right handed. Trust me through my time shooting i can't hit the target left handed for the sake of the world. Right handed i can hit somewhat what i wanted to. I honestly guys already have my name on the list for a kriss vector crb Very Happy .


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hello from CA Empty Re: hello from CA

Post by dj_dub Thu Aug 16, 2012 2:20 pm

If you don't mind driving a couple of hours...go to Riflegear, they have them in stock. I got mine there through FFL transfer, great shop to deal with!

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hello from CA Empty Re: hello from CA

Post by Snw619 Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:30 am

Alright everyone going to a store today i made my choice! I got my hands on a KRISS vector crb. After i put that bad boy in my hands i had to get one. Dealer said he will call in me 2-3 weeks.....ill really give him 1-2 months! But i put my money down so its reserved with its name on it for me i honestly don't think i can be any happier. partytime


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hello from CA Empty Re: hello from CA

Post by Xn0r Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:33 am

dj_dub wrote:If you don't mind driving a couple of hours...go to Riflegear, they have them in stock. I got mine there through FFL transfer, great shop to deal with!
I bought mine from Riflegear and had it sent to my FFL (Mount Pleasant Arms). I pick it up Monday!

Riflegear is good shop. I bought my SCAR 17S 10/20 mags from them too. One of the few good CA friendly shops.

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