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Hello from Pacific NorthWest

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Hello from Pacific NorthWest Empty Hello from Pacific NorthWest

Post by DV8 Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:44 pm

Had my Kriss CRB for a week and loving it. Still breaking in the spring in the slider assembly. It's getting easier just gotta keep on shooting. Just got my optic & laser in, but might use the laser on my AR or Pistol. Thanks for setting this website up, lots of good info.

Posts : 4
Join date : 2012-08-16
Location : Pacnorwest

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Hello from Pacific NorthWest Empty Re: Hello from Pacific NorthWest

Post by mambro Thu Aug 16, 2012 4:53 pm

Welcome to the forum! There are others here with "hard charging" on the SDP and CRB. Please feel free to post up your experiences with how it may have freed up for you. Some members have sent their Vector back to KRISS USA under warranty and had it returned significantly easier to manipulate. Smile


Posts : 617
Join date : 2012-01-08
Location : McKinney, TX

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