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eyes and ears

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eyes and ears Empty eyes and ears

Post by nih Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:58 pm

Here pic of the free stuff they sent me. glasses are pretty nice, the case has slots for the other lenses.

eyes and ears Freeshit


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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by mambro Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:10 am

Nice little bonus there! Congrats on the Vector and scoring the freebie stuff! cheers

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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by Xn0r Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:16 am

@nih: How long after you sent in your forms, etc, did you receive your package from Kriss? Did you get any acknowledgement that they received it, or did the stuff just show up one day? I mailed my forms and proof of purchase stuff in about a week ago and I'm curious when I should expect my goodies to arrive.

Also, I've heard that in a past promotion from Kriss, they gave away a free custom Pelican hard case for the Vector! Anyone know if this is true?

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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by mambro Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:45 am

Xn0r wrote:Also, I've heard that in a past promotion from Kriss, they gave away a free custom Pelican hard case for the Vector! Anyone know if this is true?
This is true. There was a sales promo with GunsAmerica where you got a free custom Pelican Storm case (worth $365.95) with every purchase of a KRISS Vector (CRB, SDP, and SBR) before July 31, 2011. Very Happy

eyes and ears Gapromo


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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by nih Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:02 pm

just under 2 weeks i think and i received a tracking # email, didnt have company name, just the UPS tracking number, i thought it was for something else i had coming to house but kriss package was only one there yesterday so guess that tracking was from kriss.


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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by Xn0r Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:34 pm

@mambro: Damn. I think I bought mine in July too. But from Riflegear, not GunsAmerica. I presume that's where you needed to buy it. I had to have a CA model, so not sure if GA has those or not. They might though, since I'm told that Kriss makes CA models from the factory (e.g., no conversion needed).

@nih: hrm. I'll have to watch my mail for a tracking #.

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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by mambro Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:49 am

Xn0r wrote:@mambro: Damn. I think I bought mine in July too. But from Riflegear, not GunsAmerica. I presume that's where you needed to buy it. I had to have a CA model, so not sure if GA has those or not. They might though, since I'm told that Kriss makes CA models from the factory (e.g., no conversion needed).
From the form, it looked like any "new" purchase would have qualified before the end of July last year. I think GunsAmerica was more of an advertising venue for KRISS on this one, rather than requiring the purchase "flow" through one of their (GA) sellers. You are correct that KRISS produces CA (and other restricted state) models directly. Smile

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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by bslepko Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:56 am

Took about 2 weeks to get mine here in CA. No notification, just showed up one day.

Eyes are really nice, ears work well but are a little awkward to wear.

All in all a good promotion.



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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by Xn0r Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:00 am

Hrm. Hopefully I'll be getting mine in the next week and a half then.

The ears I don't really care about. I already have a set of electronic hearing protectors. Glasses look pretty nice though.

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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by CatMostFeared Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:56 am

oh we need a pic of you with all your gear on ready to shoot Zombies violent

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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by Xn0r Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:08 pm

Finally got my Eyes & Ears. Took about a month I guess:

eyes and ears Saw1

eyes and ears Saw2

eyes and ears Saw3

The hearing protectors are OK I guess. Just the standard cheapo set similar to Winchester ones I bought from Wal-Mart. The Kriss logo is only on one cup!

The eye-pro is awesome though. Fit great, look very nice, and comes (as you can see) with three different lenses. This is basically the $120 Revision Military Sawfly "Shooter's Kit" (seen here). Can't wait to try 'em out at the range.


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eyes and ears Empty Re: eyes and ears

Post by nih Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:01 pm

i wore the eyes in a match last weekend with the orange lense, they were very nice and clear on a sunny day, gold star for kriss promotion


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