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custom kydex mag holster

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custom kydex mag holster Empty custom kydex mag holster

Post by nih Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:17 pm

I'm asking the guy who molded my holstex holster for nano if he could do a custom kriss mag holster.

I would want the holster to be deeper so 3/4 of the magazine is actually in the holster below my belt line and only 1/3-1/4 of the magazine is above my beltline. using standard glock 21 kydex holster leaves over 1/2 the magazine above the belt line.

I dont want the mag jamming me in the ribs, i understand i'll have to pull it out higher to clear the mag holster.

has anybody seen anything like that for sale already? anybody else interested in those if i can get him to make them?

this is basically what im looking for but not all jacked up from my awesome photo editing in paint..custom fit to the mag.

custom kydex mag holster Krisskydex


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custom kydex mag holster Empty Re: custom kydex mag holster

Post by Solscud007 Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:00 am

I had custom kydex dual pouch made and use a dual fobus mag pouch. I have never had an issue with just 1/4-1/3 in the kydex like normal mags. I don't know how well such a mag system will work. As you said you will have to draw higher and straight up for a long time before the mag comes out.

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custom kydex mag holster Empty Re: custom kydex mag holster

Post by AZ2000 Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:16 pm

nih, If he makes quality items I would be interested in one of those. The web type are more secure but the Kydex type are faster access, even with having to pull it up a little higher and with 2/3 in the pouch the mag should stay in place fairly well, unless your upside down. affraid

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custom kydex mag holster Empty Re: custom kydex mag holster

Post by Mooky56 Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:43 am

Here's what I use for my mags.....

custom kydex mag holster Kriss_10

Purchased them from here:

I'm just not a hard plastic, kinda guy. I can strap these on anywhere. Even upside down... lol


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Join date : 2012-09-07

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