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ammo for upcoming training

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ammo for upcoming training Empty ammo for upcoming training

Post by nellattocs Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:14 pm

I just got my Vector carbine today and this weekend I have a carbine/pistol class where I will be shooting abou 1000 rounds through the rifle. The best price I can find locally for bulk. 45ACP is the Federal Champion 230 grain. Has anyone had any issues with this ammo in their Vector?




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ammo for upcoming training Empty Re: ammo for upcoming training

Post by mambro Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:24 pm

Although not on the approved list from KRISS USA, I've used Federal Champion (sourced from Walmart) without any issues. Very Happy

The Vector does like to be run somewhat "clean" if you can get a few swipes in-between sessions. Page 14 here talks about a wipe and lightly lube at about 400 rounds with a good cleaning at 1,000:

Also, here is a thread that gives some examples of "cleaner" ammo than others:


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ammo for upcoming training Empty Re: ammo for upcoming training

Post by nellattocs Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:33 pm

Thanks, that is what I needed to hear. I was planning to carry my cleaning kit for sure.



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ammo for upcoming training Empty Re: ammo for upcoming training

Post by AZ2000 Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:40 am

I have been doing a reliability test through my CRB since I broke it in, and currently have about 600 rounds and counting to 1,000 as time allows. All I have done is lite wipe and lite oil on the FCG and bolt mechanism. Am waiting for a case jam which is common on .45 chambers because of carbon build up, but no problems yet. Running BVAC 230 rnd nose FMJ with no problems. Had 1 ftf bad primer WWB and one stove pipe, operator error. violent

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ammo for upcoming training Empty Re: ammo for upcoming training

Post by nellattocs Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:54 pm

How did you do a break in with your CRB?




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ammo for upcoming training Empty Re: ammo for upcoming training

Post by Solscud007 Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:28 pm

I would use a boresnake to clean the barrel.

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ammo for upcoming training Empty Re: ammo for upcoming training

Post by AZ2000 Thu Sep 13, 2012 11:56 pm


How did you do a break in with your CRB?

I ran 50 rounds through it cleaned the bore, put some light oil on the bolt and slide mechanism, re-shot the 50 and repeated it again. This was more for the bolt and carrier break in than the barrel. I have talked to alot of people and it seems everyone has a different method. Some say just shoot it 2 to 5 hundred rounds and clean it really good, some say 20 rnds and quick clean it, bore only and repeat 3 times. I use the FMJ, this seems to help fill any small imperfections in the barrel and for me has helped with accuracy issues on long distance shooting. There are alot of good cleaners on the market so it's pretty much what you will like. Hope this helps.


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ammo for upcoming training Empty Re: ammo for upcoming training

Post by nellattocs Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:21 pm

Today I went to the range with 150 rounds of Federal Champion. The CRB worked flawlessly. I broke the rifle down after the first 50 rounds and cleaned it thoroughly. I must say the Federal Champion is very dirty and leaves lots of residue. It will be interesting to see how the gun performs with this ammo after several hundred rounds between cleanings this weekend.


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ammo for upcoming training Empty Re: ammo for upcoming training

Post by mambro Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:34 pm

nellattocs wrote:...I must say the Federal Champion is very dirty and leaves lots of residue.
I believe this is why it (and others like it, ex. WWB) are not on the approved list. Yes, they work... but not very "clean"... and the Vector runs best when clean & lubed.


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