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WTS - Vector CRB - NOT MINE - in Michigan (SOLD)

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WTS - Vector CRB - NOT MINE - in Michigan (SOLD) Empty WTS - Vector CRB - NOT MINE - in Michigan (SOLD)

Post by mambro Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:59 am

Heads up folks... used (says only 30 rounds) CRB $1550 or "make offer". From the pic, it's NOT "the latest" production run. I don't know the seller, and I haven't seen the weapon beyond the posting below... this is just "FYI" ... Oh, and I have no idea why the sights are mounted backwards. Very Happy

WTS - Vector CRB - NOT MINE - in Michigan (SOLD) Photo4qf

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Join date : 2012-01-08
Location : McKinney, TX

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