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Want one, but have concerns

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Want one, but have concerns Empty Want one, but have concerns

Post by Shipwreck Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:25 am

I REALLY, REALLY like the balance of the Kriss - I have seen one several times at Texas gun shows.

However, 1 thing keeps stopping me. The company making it is still rather small, and doesn't appear to have other civilian weapons that I can see. I took a chance on an MSAR AUg about 2 years ago, and sole it in the summer of 2010. Had an issue or two, but forsaw the company going bankrupt. Now, it is very hard to get parts, as the company DID declare bankruptcy...

After that fiaso, I am admittedly rather cautious to take a chance on buying a gun from a smaller company... I don't wanna get stuck again...

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Want one, but have concerns Empty Re: Want one, but have concerns

Post by CatMostFeared Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:35 am

I don't believe KRISS will go out of business but you might what to wait and see about the new K10 coming out

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Want one, but have concerns Empty Re: Want one, but have concerns

Post by Shipwreck Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:13 am

What is new about that new version?

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Want one, but have concerns Empty Re: Want one, but have concerns

Post by Solscud007 Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:49 am

Shipwreck wrote:What is new about that new version?

Well they announced the KRISS K10 last year. And the year before that they announced the KARD pistol. But we have seen nothing. It took KRISS a couple years just to put out the SBR and Pistol versions of the KRISS.

I wouldn't hold your breath on the K10.

But here is some info on it.


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Want one, but have concerns Empty Re: Want one, but have concerns

Post by CatMostFeared Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:00 pm

Don't forget the KRISS vector .40 S&W and 9mm version rumor
That was even posted on the website
That's why I waited so long to get mine, I wanted a .40

But I found a deal on a SBR and went for it.

Last edited by CatMostFeared on Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Want one, but have concerns Empty Re: Want one, but have concerns

Post by Solscud007 Mon Jan 16, 2012 1:12 pm

CatMostFeared wrote:Don't forget the KRISS vector .40 S&W and 9mm version rumor
That was even posted on the website
That's why I waited so long to get mine, I wanted a .40

But I found a deal on a SBR and went for it.

I think a 40 and 9mm is a waste. Why bother? go big or go home haha

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Want one, but have concerns Empty Re: Want one, but have concerns

Post by CatMostFeared Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:04 pm

love the .45 but I was going to say .40 is cheaper than .45 but out of 500rounds I'd only save $20
and anyway .45s are subsonic What a Face

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Want one, but have concerns Empty Re: Want one, but have concerns

Post by Solscud007 Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:12 pm

CatMostFeared wrote:love the .45 but I was going to say .40 is cheaper than .45 but out of 500rounds I'd only save $20
and anyway .45s are subsonic What a Face

Also 45 causes hydrostatic shock hehe.

Everytime I shoot the KRISS at my local pistol matches (they allow me to run in a rifle pistol caliber category) They always comment on the huge holes the 45 makes.

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Want one, but have concerns Empty Re: Want one, but have concerns

Post by solvovir Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:40 pm

I had a MSAR E4. I thought it was cool but it wouldn't function to save my life lol. They had recall issues with several things. Too bad to see that company go under but I feel they just didn't have the experience. KRISS has had a few issues but updated most of their guns to fix these issues. The engineering that goes into their firearms and credit kriss gets from tv shows makes me think the company is growing and will last.


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Want one, but have concerns Empty Re: Want one, but have concerns

Post by Solscud007 Mon Jan 16, 2012 2:44 pm

Also one aspect that i was drawn to, was the simple mechanics of the the KRISS. Large and simple pieces. Not a lot to go wrong.

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