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How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA?

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How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA? Empty How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA?

Post by Solscud007 Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:26 pm

Hey guys, the time has come to ship my Vector back to KRISS USA. But I'm not sure how to box it up and ship it. How did you guys do it?

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How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA? Empty Re: How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA?

Post by CatMostFeared Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:50 pm

Put the vector back in its cheap case it came with
Then box that up

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How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA? Empty Re: How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA?

Post by Dabaum_85 Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:01 pm

I used to run a UPS Store so I've seen the lack of care that some shipping companies take with their customer's packages. I took no chance and wrapped my Kriss in 8 layers of bubble wrap, surrounded it in foam peanuts and put in a strong box. Then I taped the crap out of it and sent it on its way. Kriss said they received it without issue. Mine came in the Pelican case so I didn't want to send that back to them. Hope this helps.

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How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA? Empty Re: How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA?

Post by mambro Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:34 am

Solscud007 wrote:How did you guys do it?
I used the original "pizza box" it came in, but turned the cardboard box inside out to avoid all the branding advertising what is inside the box. I used FedEx to get it there and back without issue. Smile

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How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA? Empty Re: How did you ship your Vector to KRISS USA?

Post by Krisscs Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:39 pm

Most people just box it up in the case it comes in, then put that in a box. They get here in tact!


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