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Kriss to SBR, help me out

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Kriss to SBR, help me out Empty Kriss to SBR, help me out

Post by A_Magyar Mon Dec 24, 2012 7:31 pm

What would be the easier way? To buy a Kriss with the long barrel, folding stock , and when I will get the SBR legal process done , can I replace a barrel?
Or by the pistol, and get the folding stock installed after the SBR cleared up?
Both way possible?


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Kriss to SBR, help me out Empty Re: Kriss to SBR, help me out

Post by nih Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:24 am

buy the one you want to keep, might all get banned and you won't get sbr stamp.


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Kriss to SBR, help me out Empty Re: Kriss to SBR, help me out

Post by ROLL Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:20 pm

nih wrote:buy the one you want to keep, might all get banned and you won't get sbr stamp.

I agree with this but if you want to go ahead regardless the pistol is by far the easier way to go.


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Kriss to SBR, help me out Empty Re: Kriss to SBR, help me out

Post by CatMostFeared Tue Dec 25, 2012 5:46 pm

Go with the pistol
The good thing is NFA items won't get banned
Your better off having a SBR than just having a assault rifle
The gov love income and $200 stamp is worth a lot of money to Uncle sam, 1986 ban didn't affect NFA weapons at all
Criminals aren't going to wait 6 months for a suppressor, SBR,SBS or aow stamp
So the evil guns are ok


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Kriss to SBR, help me out Empty Re: Kriss to SBR, help me out

Post by A_Magyar Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:40 pm

Very smart advise , thank You, Now I just have to find one under $1700, and a place where I can pay with paypal, or credit card Smile


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