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Sandy Hook FAKE???????

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Sandy Hook FAKE??????? Empty Sandy Hook FAKE???????

Post by CatMostFeared Fri Jan 18, 2013 8:18 pm

wow watch this before it gets taken down

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Sandy Hook FAKE??????? Empty Re: Sandy Hook FAKE???????

Post by afponiky Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:03 pm

Yep, and there are a whole lot more videos out there about this...

Look and watch them all!


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Sandy Hook FAKE??????? Empty Re: Sandy Hook FAKE???????

Post by Jedi380 Fri Jan 25, 2013 9:49 pm

Yeah, there's a few "lively" threads running on some of the other gun forums too. There's just a little TOO much contradictory information out there for my liking... wtf

Most of the other shooting incidents had pictures of the locations, security cam. footage, pictures of the weapons used, etc. All that posted up within a month or less. This one? ... ZERO...

While it was happening, a DAYTIME video showed the AR-style rifle being taken out of the back seat of the car. That one is now AWOL, and it's a NIGHT TIME video of a Saiga (?) shotgun being pulled from the trunk.

etc... etc... Very weird.

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Sandy Hook FAKE??????? Empty Re: Sandy Hook FAKE???????

Post by Solscud007 Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:00 pm

One thing my friend said was to clear up ANY confusion about what weapon used would be to just look at the brass on the floor.

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Sandy Hook FAKE??????? Empty Re: Sandy Hook FAKE???????

Post by Jedi380 Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:06 pm

Funny you mention that... When ever there's a shooting locally, the evening news always zooms in on the numbered police tags sitting on the ground next to each brass case.

At these mass shooting sites, we NEVER see that. Just sayin'

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