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Another noob.

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Another noob. Empty Another noob.

Post by Jedi380 Thu Jan 24, 2013 4:53 pm

Hi guys, I'm waiting for my local gun shop to receive a few more SDP's in-stock... One of them will be MINE! What a Face

I've been lurking here for a couple of weeks already, so I'll have a better idea what to expect whenever I finally get my hands on it...

Posts : 239
Join date : 2013-01-24
Location : Dayton, OH

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Another noob. Empty Re: Another noob.

Post by Solscud007 Thu Jan 24, 2013 5:51 pm

Good luck!

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Another noob. Empty Re: Another noob.

Post by mambro Thu Jan 24, 2013 6:39 pm

Welcome to the forum and hopefully you LGS will get an SDP for you soon!


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Another noob. Empty Re: Another noob.

Post by Jedi380 Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:48 pm


Well, after waiting... and waiting... for my local shop to get some status on his order (ANY kind of status?!), I found an SDP on GunBroker at a shop that was within driving distance! (Mind you, I used to drive a truck for a living. ;) )

Drove 2 1/2 hrs. to Woodbury Outfitters in Coshocton, OH to check it out. It passed my inspection (action is stiff, but YES it works!) and I got it! What a Face
It's a "California" model, with the 6.5" barrel and the "bullet button." (Already popped the cover off of it, now it works normally!) Oddly, it came with one, "zero round" magazine... scratch It appears to be a standard Glock 10-rounder, but there's a plastic pin that goes through the sides of the magazine AND the follower, and is melted down on both ends. It is UNUSABLE as it sits. wtf I'll be calling Kriss tomorrow about that, and to double-check if any updates are needed. I already have 3 extended magazines anyway.
*Note- I bought the Streamlight light/laser before I learned about the internal light housing. No problem, if I don't like it on the SDP, or upgrade to the internal, I'll just use it on something else. Twisted Evil

Another noob. 20130320_174255_zps4cbff85d

As an aside, Woodbury is a HUGE outdoor store (okay, not a "Cabelas-class", but bigger than most) and they have more product in-stock than ANY store in my area! Good people working there, too. 10

Posts : 239
Join date : 2013-01-24
Location : Dayton, OH

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