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stark se-5

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stark se-5 Empty stark se-5

Post by nih Sat Feb 16, 2013 11:14 am

i have a stark SE-1 on my 516, it's good quality. this might be a nice kriss mod, SE-5, not released yet. i count 10 rail slots it takes up, kriss count is 7. if it doens't fit kriss i might run it on 516.

edit* they might be out, it took my order, it's buried in their site.


Posts : 177
Join date : 2012-04-24

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stark se-5 Empty Re: stark se-5

Post by Solscud007 Sat Feb 16, 2013 12:17 pm

Interesting. I think my AGF mod is better though. It puts your hand higher and more in line with the center of the bore.

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 44
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stark se-5 Empty Re: stark se-5

Post by nih Fri Feb 22, 2013 8:44 pm

so put it on today, I suspected it wouldn't really fit right and it doesn't, here a pic if anybody wanted to reference it. i'm pretty sure if you trimmed the part towards trigger to make it look flush with trigger end of rail it would put the bottom/cap part to close to magwell to ever use the magwell as a grip, you would need to take ~1/8" off trigger end to move it back another notch on rail. From messing around with it my hand seemed to want to be in a higher position, don't think you would want to trim the barrel end so it doesn't hang over barrel end of rail because that is actually where most your hand is. you could mount just as i have shown and it wouldn't be that bad, just not perfect. get the feeling the muzzle is a lil to close to my left pointer finger for comfort on SBR.

stark se-5 Se5kriss_zpsdaf60dd2

It's going to sit on my 516 for awhile, i've used avg in past and they were ok, this one is more comfortable, its round where avg is flat, i'll shoot with it this weekend and decide.

stark se-5 Se5-516_zps7669c634

on side note, i bought this cheapo grip, think its UTG, cause it looked comfy, was cheap, and i was already paying shipping at a site, i actually love it, its big and fat, hand fits perfect, ive tried couple vert grips, tried hand stop, this grip actually gives me the feeling that i have control over gun w/ my left hand, i'll get some rounds through kriss this weekend also.

stark se-5 Lastgrip_zpsf2945dcb

both the grips fit tight (i hate wiggle), SE5 is a single flathead screw also.


Posts : 177
Join date : 2012-04-24

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