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First impressions

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First impressions  Empty First impressions

Post by jonj313 Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:33 pm

Had the opportunity to shot my SBR for the first time last night. I must admit it was hard to keep every ones pointers and experiences in mind while I was figuring out the weapon platform for the first time on my own. It performed pretty much how everyone had explained it to. First off the charging handle was stiff as mentioned in various threads. I kept my forefinger as close to the firearm as possible while pulling back. It did help a lot. With one hundred pulls of the trigger there was about 9 to 10 failures to eject. Again normal from what I read. I was rest assured from this forum and my new found friends at my firearms dealer in which I purchased the weapon from that figure will continue to get better as the weapon is cleaned lubricated and fired several times. I had there gunsmith clean the weapon after words free of charge. Pretty nice gesture in my opinion. One question that did come up. After shooting the last round from the standard glock 21 mag the last shell casing would not clear the ejection port? Seemed to just rest on top of the empty magazine. Didn't know if anyone had expeirenced that themselves. Any info on that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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Age : 43
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First impressions  Empty Re: First impressions

Post by Solscud007 Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:42 pm

Hmm, I think I recall someone having that problem. But I vaguely remember. Just search for it.

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First impressions  Empty Re: First impressions

Post by nih Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:32 pm

10% FTE isn't normal. my first shooting was 250-300 rds of various 230gr ammo and i got maybe 1 real problem FTE and when my friend was shooting it he had his thumb on the bolt catch i think was other 2 stoppages.

think the 2nd time i shot it i had a FTE where the case was really jammed in there, that was 1x out of ~200 rds.

my last time at range, which i say was round count ~800-1000 thru the gun i had zero problem.


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Join date : 2012-04-24

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First impressions  Empty Re: First impressions

Post by buddybaja Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:00 am

Man I am seriously reconsidering sending mine to be updated. I have run about 600 rounds through mine and no problems at all. Found out my 2 ftf were mag spring failures. This thing from what I understand likes to run wet. Clean very very very well and oil it down like a cheap hooker


You get the idea


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Join date : 2013-02-26

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