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Unusable "Zero Round" Magazine?!

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Unusable "Zero Round" Magazine?! - Page 2 Empty Re: Unusable "Zero Round" Magazine?!

Post by MadDogDan Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:40 pm

For those of you with the CA no round not use a Dremel on it. Take a pocket knife, get the blade under the melted plastic mushroom heads and pry them off. You will find a metal roll pin going through the follower. Take a punch and give the pin a couple of wacks. Once the pin starts to come out take some pillars and pull the pin all the way out. This way you preserve the follower. Mag will work like a champ.



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Unusable "Zero Round" Magazine?! - Page 2 Empty Re: Unusable "Zero Round" Magazine?!

Post by patw Mon Apr 15, 2013 9:38 pm

I did not realize you could just pry off the epoxy/plastic pieces and I figured parts are cheap,which is the nice thing about the Glock.


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Join date : 2012-12-10

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