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KRISS on HISTORY Channel Empty KRISS on HISTORY Channel

Post by Kiptroloxe Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:45 pm

Anyone watching the History channel's Ultimate Soldier Challenge? The first and the latest episodes have featured the KRISS CRB in the challenges. Interesting watching it on tv, with first timers. In the first episode after the challenge with the KRISS, they took the BUIS and installed them on the ruger 556 for another shooting challenge. You could easily see KRISS written on the sights throughout the challenge using the ruger 556. I thought that was funny, but good show none the less.

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KRISS on HISTORY Channel Empty Re: KRISS on HISTORY Channel

Post by mambro Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:54 pm

Haven't seen the show, but that is interesting about the sights. The front sight of the Vector is not supposed to be swapped over to an AR due to the height of the front sight post and the ballistic differences between 5.56/.223 and .45ACP. scratch

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KRISS on HISTORY Channel Empty Re: KRISS on HISTORY Channel

Post by azorean Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:25 pm

Try it here:

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