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just checked the ammo list... wtf

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just checked the ammo list... wtf Empty just checked the ammo list... wtf

Post by buddybaja Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:22 pm

So I have been trying to get some sort of response on my CRB as to when I can send it for the broken buffer and problem with the ejecting. I stated that I was using PMC per their site (I checked it a few days ago) I just checked it this morning and all of the sudden PMC is not on theor recommened list... STILL waiting on wether or not they can even look at my rifle. I have been super patient and it is just starting to get annoying.


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just checked the ammo list... wtf Empty Re: just checked the ammo list... wtf

Post by P149U3 Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:12 am

It is only a recommendation from Kriss to use that ammo but you can use what ever you like.
I use Winchester 45 auto 230 FMJ for target practice or Remington Golden Saber ACP 185 HP ammo only in my CRB. Mainly because I have yet to ever have any problems with it. I use PMC ammo for target practice with my pistol only never with my CRB but again it is just my preference in ammo.

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Location : Hinesville, GA

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just checked the ammo list... wtf Empty Re: just checked the ammo list... wtf

Post by mambro Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:40 am

buddybaja wrote:STILL waiting on wether or not they can even look at my rifle. I have been super patient and it is just starting to get annoying.
If you have not tried this, it sounds like it works better:

Jedi380 wrote:FYI: When I called the number in the manual for KRISS, it says to dial ext. 301 or 302. Both of those go straight to voice mail, and I did not get a reply from my message last week, or the email I sent them. This time I just pressed 1 for Customer Service, and she picked up right away.
(757) 821-1089 +1 and you might reach Victoria Wagner.

P149U3 wrote:It is only a recommendation from Kriss to use that ammo but you can use what ever you like.
With the noted exception of reloads, which will void your warranty. I know you both know the ammo list, but I'll post the link here for newer members that may find this thread and are not familiar with it.


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just checked the ammo list... wtf Empty Re: just checked the ammo list... wtf

Post by P149U3 Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:55 am

Yeah I won't use reloads for sure.

Posts : 96
Join date : 2013-04-23
Location : Hinesville, GA

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just checked the ammo list... wtf Empty Re: just checked the ammo list... wtf

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