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A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn

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A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn Empty A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn

Post by gwhunter Thu May 23, 2013 9:48 am

So I am waiting patiently for my vector to come in and I want to make some reloads, I ust titegroup, 700x, bullseye and clays. Does anyone have recipes that function well in this wounderful firearm I am only worried about function not accuracy for now I just want to have lots of rounds ready.


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A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn Empty Re: A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn

Post by Th12t33n Fri May 24, 2013 2:32 pm

will void your warranty


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A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn Empty Re: A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn

Post by gwhunter Fri May 24, 2013 4:10 pm

really well that sucks, but common lol. does anyone know how long the warranty is for Canadians? Then I will know how long I have to buy ammo for.


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A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn Empty Re: A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn

Post by P149U3 Fri May 24, 2013 11:34 pm

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A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn Empty Re: A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn

Post by Kiptroloxe Tue May 28, 2013 5:12 pm

With the price and availability of .45acp ammo right now, loading your own ammo is essential. AND when you load ammo yourself there is much better quality control of the finished bullet. Anyways, I tweaked my recipe that I use in my 1911's for the KRISS. I use Berry's and Rainer 230 grain FMJ round nose depending on availabilty. Berry's from my experience have best 230 grain fmj quality for price, although those PNW KRISS specific Ammo uses rainier. My powder charge varies from 4.3 grains (870 fps) of Red Dot to a max charge of 4.8 grains (920 fps). I use the max charge for loading hollow points and other defensive bullets, while the min load of 4.3 grains is great for range day and sound reduction when using a can. I usually use CCI large pistol primers, but have not found many in stock lately. Remington, Federal, and Winchester primers all work well too. I use unfired Winchester brass and spent .45 acp brass cartridges. .45acp cartridges can be reloaded hundreds of times. Hope this helps.

4.3-4.8 gr Red Dot
230 gr berry's fmj
CCI large pistol primers
Winchester brass
1.19" OAL

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A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn Empty Re: A good recipe for reloads with hard cast and fmj rn

Post by gwhunter Tue May 28, 2013 5:22 pm

Right on thanks, I will start off with my 1911 load and tweak it from there. I use bullseye mid range load the kriss should function.


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