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Ammo: 185 gr versus 230 gr

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Ammo:  185 gr versus 230 gr Empty Ammo: 185 gr versus 230 gr

Post by ZombieDoubleTap Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:18 pm

What does everyone run in their Vectors?  I know that Kriss recommends pretty much all 230 gr ammo except for Federal Ballisticlean 165 gr.  

So far, I've only run 230 gr Remington UMC FMJ ammo through my new Vector and it ran flawlessly, but a bit dirty.  For keeping my mags loaded for HD, I'd rather go with JHP ammo rather than FMJ.  I'm thinking of sticking to the Kriss recommended ammo list but I see some good prices for 185 gr Remington Golden Saber.  Does 185 gr run well in our Vectors or should I stick with the 230 gr Golden Saber which is recommended by Kriss?

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Ammo:  185 gr versus 230 gr Empty Re: Ammo: 185 gr versus 230 gr

Post by patman Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:06 pm

As far as fmj, I have used Federal, Remington and WWB and never had a problem. As far as jhp, I have not used any yet, so I can't answer any questions, but each gun is different and you should try and shoot whatever works best for your firearm.


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Ammo:  185 gr versus 230 gr Empty Re: Ammo: 185 gr versus 230 gr

Post by TheStalker Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:19 pm

I have only run 230 grain Golden Sabers through mine with no problems, and that is what I keep loaded for HD.

I would say buy a box or 2 and run them and see how they do and go from there.

I have though about picking up some of those 185 Golden Sabers myself as they seem to found for cheap at the moment.


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Ammo:  185 gr versus 230 gr Empty Re: Ammo: 185 gr versus 230 gr

Post by ZombieDoubleTap Sun Jul 14, 2013 10:34 am

Thanks guys. Yeah, the 185 gr Golden Saber is like $16 per 25 rounds right now. But shipping kills the deal if I order only a few boxes.

For HD, I just want to be sure that I'm running the most reliable ammo I can, and seeing that only the 230 gr is recommended by Kriss and not the 185 gr bothers me.

I shot out a note to Kriss, too. Hopefully they'll give me an answer!

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Ammo:  185 gr versus 230 gr Empty Re: Ammo: 185 gr versus 230 gr

Post by ZombieDoubleTap Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:49 pm

Good news: I got word back from Kriss that the 185 gr should work fine. Nice.

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