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Theres a new Kriss in TX!

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Theres a new Kriss in TX! Empty Theres a new Kriss in TX!

Post by ScottKriss85 Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:37 pm

Well I'm currently on the longest waiting list ever waiting for my Larue... So while browsing Cheaper Than Dirt one day I stumbled across the carbine... Consulted with the wife and she said just do it... So I did what an amazing weapon platform. Did my research before the purchase but am still learning. If there's anything noobs should be aware of please let me know. Can't wait to put a couple hundred rds into the tank bed...
Very Happy 


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Join date : 2013-08-31

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Theres a new Kriss in TX! Empty Re: Theres a new Kriss in TX!

Post by Kipp Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:41 pm

Congrats but anywhere other than CTD.

GrabAGun has them for 1600 - no CC fees and $6 shipping

KGI also has them in stock

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Join date : 2012-12-18
Location : Illinois

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