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What diameter and thread size is on the SDP barrel

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What diameter and thread size is on the SDP barrel Empty What diameter and thread size is on the SDP barrel

Post by patman Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:23 pm

I was curious to know what the size are for the SDP, are they the same for a Glock with threads? I was kind of mulling over a flash hider for my pistol and was curious if anyone knows.

Last edited by patman on Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add info)


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What diameter and thread size is on the SDP barrel Empty Re: What diameter and thread size is on the SDP barrel

Post by Indysbr Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:24 pm

I believe the thread for the Kriss is a 16x1 LH thread.


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What diameter and thread size is on the SDP barrel Empty Re: What diameter and thread size is on the SDP barrel

Post by mambro Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:27 pm

patman wrote:I was curious to know what the size are for the SDP, are they the same for a Glock with threads? I was kind of mulling over a flash hider for my pistol and was curious if anyone knows.
Depends on the Glock barrel, some are the "right" config, but definitely the same as an HK USP .45 or HK45...

A G21 barrel threaded the same:

A blurb with pics from our friends at AAC:

A couple of flash hider options here:

Indysbr wrote:I believe the thread for the Kriss is a 16x1 LH thread.
Correct! (And 17mm OD)

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What diameter and thread size is on the SDP barrel Empty Re: What diameter and thread size is on the SDP barrel

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