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Hello from a new member

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Hello from a new member Empty Hello from a new member

Post by KRISSamus Maximus Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:50 am

Hello, the usual long time lurker story here but I finally signed up. I have been wanting a KRISS for far too long now and finally made the purchase.

I have it cleaned up and and it is mostly ready to test when I noticed the barrel shroud was loose. It moves back and forth along the barrel a little and it wiggles left to right to a lesser degree. Does not seem normal, I see a threaded hole on the bottom side of the shroud nearest the firearm that does not have a screw in it. I hate asking on my first post like this but I am having a hard time finding what I feel is the right place to purchase this part through the search feature. I am also looking for a place with an extra basic KRISS take down pin.

If anyone has a vendor to suggest I would be very appreciative and I will do a better job using the search feature next time. Thanks you so much. I can post pictures if it would help.
KRISSamus Maximus
KRISSamus Maximus

Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-10-22
Age : 58
Location : Planet Earth

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Hello from a new member Empty Proper introduction

Post by KRISSamus Maximus Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:30 pm

I apologize again for my first post deviating from a new member introduction. Just kind of excited and couldn't wait to go shooting my Vector. After some more research and call to KRISS USA I have everything sorted out.

Anyway, I want to say greeting to all and I look forward to learning more about this firearm. Hopefully I can pass on some useful information as well. I have been shooting for over 30 years and have rarely met a gun I didn't like. The Vector is looking like one that will quickly move to the top of my carbine list. cheers
KRISSamus Maximus
KRISSamus Maximus

Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-10-22
Age : 58
Location : Planet Earth

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