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Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS

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Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS Empty Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS

Post by range_time Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:56 pm

I have had the stamp for ages so need to clean out the safe. Sig Brace, Longer AR buffer tube with the stop for the brace build in. Adapter from KRISS for the buffer tube and a AFG which i cut to so get a snug fit on the Kriss. All shipped to the lower 48 for $140. First "i'll take it" posted here gets it.  Thanks, Dave

Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS IMG_4397-L

Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS IMG_4399-L

Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS IMG_4400-L

Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS IMG_4398-L


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Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS Empty Re: Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS

Post by Idok Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:20 pm

message sent


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Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS Empty Re: Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS

Post by range_time Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:25 pm

I sent you a PM back. yes i still have this. Thanks, Dave


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Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS Empty kriss parts

Post by Idok Thu Dec 31, 2015 6:27 pm

dave...going to paypal you for this stuff today, is that still ok?

sorry for the delay..Christmas, family....etc etc..



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Join date : 2015-12-23

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Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS Empty Re: Sig Brace, AFG, AR Buffer Tube and Kriss Adapter $140 shipped USPS

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