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Hello from a soon to be SDP owner

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Hello from a soon to be SDP owner - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from a soon to be SDP owner

Post by Solscud007 Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:57 pm

While I dont know much about the SDP, I can tell you that your sight picture will be different than mine. I almost think using KRISS BUIS on a SDP is too much of a pain in the ass.

Are you pressing out with the SDP? are you using a single point sling?

I know that putting my KRISS zeroed Eotec onto my Ar--15, I get a different zero. The center dot of my Eotech is at the top of the front post on the KRISS. however the AR15 sight post is touching the 12 o"clocl position of the outer ring on the same eotech.

In your case, your M4 eotech should zero at the 6 O'clock position of the outer ring with the KRISS front sight post. Am I correct?

The Front sight posts are different heights for sure. No one here has taken one out to measure the difference in height.

One interesting thing, I put the KRISS BUIS on my KSG and since my Eotech is lined up with those sights, my KSG pretty much has the same zero.

I think that is just due to the fact that it is a shotgun and more forgiving in terms of accuracy. I point it at steel and it falls down. I cant ask for more.

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Hello from a soon to be SDP owner - Page 2 Empty Re: Hello from a soon to be SDP owner

Post by csecrist Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:25 pm

Got a light day of clients tomorrow and a 1000rds of ammo that showed up at my door today. So if all goes well, I should be able to give zeroing those BUIS another shot. Probably take that EOTech again as well, but not gonna mess with it until I've got it on point.
On another subject has anyone come up with a good case that can tote a SDP or SBR and 6 30 rounders? Thanks again guys for letting me pick your brains!


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Join date : 2012-03-28
Age : 54
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