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Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension?

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Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension? Empty Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension?

Post by jdw67 Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:49 pm

Have both 10 and 13 rounders and was wondering if I can use the 10 rounder on the 30 extension?

Thanks in advance


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Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension? Empty Re: Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension?

Post by mambro Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:30 pm

Honestly don't know. I haven't tried it, and I don't have any 10-rd magazines to look at, but the magazine body, floor plate, and follower are used for reassembly with the Mag-Ex. If any of those parts are the round limiting factor, then there would be issues. For what it's worth, the kit is now marketed as "25+" round extension, presumably due to changes in the spring resulting in a lower RELIABLE round count and feed.

The pre-ban magazines are also known to be problematic with the Mag-Ex kit. Solscud007 has posted some info on that too.

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Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension? Empty Re: Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension?

Post by Solscud007 Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:19 pm

I have both. But never tried my 10 rd mag with extension.

The problem I see is that the 10 rd mag has vertical ribs on the inside of the mag body. I don't think the follower will traverse thru the double stack magex and into the single stack 10 rd mag easily.

Also why would you want to extend a 10 rd mag? Anyplace that requires a 10 rd mag probably makes it illegal to extend them.

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Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension? Empty Re: Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension?

Post by jdw67 Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:01 am

My dealer had a bunch of 10 rounders that were given to him by other Kriss buyers. He gave me a few and I didn't want them to go to waste.


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Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension? Empty Re: Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension?

Post by CatMostFeared Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:55 am

try it,
if it doesnt work take it apart and use it on a 13 rounder 10

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Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension? Empty Re: Does it matter if you use the 10 rounder or 13 rounder on the 30 extension?

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