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WTT: A 3rd KRISS MWI for KRISS Diamondhead

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WTT: A 3rd KRISS MWI for KRISS Diamondhead Empty WTT: A 3rd KRISS MWI for KRISS Diamondhead

Post by Dtalon03 Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:00 am

hey guys, new to the forum! My CRB just got to my ffl after a few weeks of waiting for his shipment. When I was filling out the DROS paperwork I was able to check out my new baby and saw that it has the MWI sights...I kinda like the diamond sights a bit more, I would be willing to trade my MWI sights or buy a pair from someone.


Posts : 14
Join date : 2012-09-09

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