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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by Kipp Thu Jan 10, 2013 7:07 pm

NRA LIFE Membership for $300. Normally life membership is $1,000.

NRA Membership 1-888-678-7894

It took me less that 5 minutes


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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by oshuwah Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:41 am

Is this still going? Do we need a sponsor (current lifetime member # to refer)?


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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by Kipp Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:58 am

I was told it has been extended. People on another forum were signing up last night without a problem.
No sponsor for this -

EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Gun_zps909ca19a

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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by nih Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:41 am

personally, if i ever tell people i like guns i follow it up by saying im not in the NRA. NRA has great gun safety programs but benefits end there. know the leader of NRA making like 900k/yr?

they lie, allot. imo they make gun owners look bad.

i think its sad there are a couple private ranges in ohio that require NRA membership.

if NRA is right for you then great but to you young, new shooters don't feel pressured to join. 3,000,000,000 guns in US. 400,000 NRA members. something like that.

Last edited by nih on Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:53 am; edited 1 time in total


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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by Kipp Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:42 pm

It is common for Charitable organizations to pay their Execs a high amount of $. United Way and such do the same. You cant pay somebody 75k to run a multi billion $ organization, they just wont do it.

They are often accused of the "scare tactic" thing, but you know what? Look at what NY did late last night -- actually 11 PM. Practically banned guns all around. 7 round maximum (basically all modern rifles)- 1 year to sell your magazines out of state - no internet purchases on "assault" rifles, no pistol grips, background check on ammo purchase

You are basically paying them for their lobbying cash and litigation. Also a small firearm insurance policy if you choose ($2500 I think) They work with the Boy Scouts and have good childrens gun safety programs. I do understand and respect what you said but without any representation, where would we be?

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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by CatMostFeared Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:36 am

I signed up today for my lifetime membership
NRA is fighting for your rights to keep your KRISS
And other weapons

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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by Kipp Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:14 am


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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by Solscud007 Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:32 am

My friend made an excellent point. By being a lifetime member, you have very little persuasion or leverage with the NRA. You can't tell them, "we'll I'll quit being a member."

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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by Kipp Sun Jan 27, 2013 12:33 pm

Yea, you can still quit. Even though you are a lifetime member, they will still seek donations. Its not the #s of members that make them strong (but it helps) its the number in their bank acct.

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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by Kipp Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:50 am

According to the Sponsor of this promo -- Tom Gresham@Guntalk -- over 6000 have signed up for it. Its also still live.

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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

Post by Kipp Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:41 pm

This has an end date of Feb 28th..... Still $300. for a lifetime membership

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EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00  reg $1000.00 Empty Re: EXTENDED 4 LIMITED TIME -- Lifetime NRA Membership $300.00 reg $1000.00

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