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KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest.

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Who wants EZ take down pins?

KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. I_vote_lcap50%KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. I_vote_rcap 50% 
[ 2 ]
KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. I_vote_lcap50%KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. I_vote_rcap 50% 
[ 2 ]
Total Votes : 4

KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. Empty KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest.

Post by Solscud007 Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:04 am

A guy at Keltec made some custom take down pins for his KSG.

KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. Image44
KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. Image45

I'm thinking of having a set of four made for my vector.

The quote is between $69-$50.

Any takers?


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Age : 44
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KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. Empty Re: KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest.

Post by MadDogDan Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:25 am

JMHO but the fact that the pin sticks out making it easier to remove defeats it's design purpose. I like the fact that the stock pins are flush with the frame on both sides. If your range bag has a 308, 5.56, 9mm, 45ACP or just about "any" round in have a take down tool (aka: pinch)



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Join date : 2013-03-20

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KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. Empty Re: KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest.

Post by Solscud007 Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:32 am

No worries. It was just a thought.

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Age : 44
Location : Pittsburgh, PA

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KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest. Empty Re: KRISS EZ take down pins. Gauging interest.

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