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Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail

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Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail Empty Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail

Post by krisstougher Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:00 am

So, I've been pondering getting a Kriss for quite a number of months now and finally had the opportunity to pick up a local one from another CQB/Carbine enthusiast.
It was bone stock with less than 50 rounds total and it didn't take long for my OCD to kick in when I started studying the platform.  For me, the biggest thing I wanted to modify or mask, part of the 14-15 inch faux suppressor since I may not actually go the SBR route.  I like carbines and just want to enhance the look.

I was surprised that there were virtually no real quadrail options out there, excepting an airsoft website, who had put one together and the one on the airsoft site didn't utilize the side rail mounts, but rather just went over the shroud and the rails didn't even line up.

I picked up a decent aluminum quadrail and had a machinist buddy do some lathe work on it.  We cut the top portion to enable the full length to fit nicely on the Kriss and even lined up the bolts to attach to the Kriss side rails.  It was a first run proto and I think it turned out pretty cool.  Very solid too.  I put well over 200 rounds through the gun at the range and it never came loose.  The rail is floating, allowing the barrel/shroud some movement/flex.

As for the other stuff, the Vortex Sparc clone optic with removable magnifier is actually pretty nice and allows a full co-witness and even has a nightsite-strobe option on the red dot.  I may move to the genuine Sparc later on if this one doesn't last.

Really happy with the direction of this build and looking forward to learning from and contributing to this forum.  

Update: Pics attached!
Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail <a href=Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail Photo2_zps04c9c6ed" />
Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail <a href=Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail Photo_zps777693de" />

Last edited by krisstougher on Sun Sep 01, 2013 6:12 pm; edited 2 times in total


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-08-31

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Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail Empty Re: Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail

Post by cb671 Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:37 am

have you tried uploading to photobucket? Thats the easiest site to use to upload photos. Just create an acct and you can get the image url and post to your threads. I would like to see your prototype.


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Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail Empty Re: Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail

Post by Kipp Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:30 pm

+1 on the photobucket

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Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail Empty Great mod!

Post by PF29 Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:19 pm

krisstougher wrote:So, I've been pondering getting a Kriss for quite a number of months now and finally had the opportunity to pick up a local one from another CQB/Carbine enthusiast.
It was bone stock with less than 50 rounds total and it didn't take long for my OCD to kick in when I started studying the platform.  For me, the biggest thing I wanted to modify or mask, part of the 14-15 inch faux suppressor since I may not actually go the SBR route.  I like carbines and just want to enhance the look.

I was surprised that there were virtually no real quadrail options out there, excepting an airsoft website, who had put one together and the one on the airsoft site didn't utilize the side rail mounts, but rather just went over the shroud and the rails didn't even line up.

I picked up a decent aluminum quadrail and had a machinist buddy do some lathe work on it.  We cut the top portion to enable the full length to fit nicely on the Kriss and even lined up the bolts to attach to the Kriss side rails.  It was a first run proto and I think it turned out pretty cool.  Very solid too.  I put well over 200 rounds through the gun at the range and it never came loose.  The rail is floating, allowing the barrel/shroud some movement/flex.

As for the other stuff, the Vortex Sparc clone optic with removable magnifier is actually pretty nice and allows a full co-witness and even has a nightsite-strobe option on the red dot.  I may move to the genuine Sparc later on if this one doesn't last.

Really happy with the direction of this build and looking forward to learning from and contributing to this forum.  

Update: Pics attached!
Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail <a href=Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail Photo2_zps04c9c6ed" />
Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail <a href=Intro-My Super V with Quad Rail Photo_zps777693de" />

thats a hell of a rail mod!, Nice, clean work.  10

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Join date : 2014-06-26

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