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Got my new Kriss CRB and...

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Got my new Kriss CRB and... Empty Got my new Kriss CRB and...

Post by jpaul6 Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:35 pm

Purchased it Friday and I still feel like a kid at Christmas time. Very Happy  I put 50 rounds (federal 230 gr) through it, using 3-13 round mags and had no feed or eject problems. The charging handle was a little stiff but I can feel it smoothing out the more I use it...I expect this from a new gun. It shot a little low but very consistent. Overall, I'm more than pleased. This thing is screaming for some indoor training/competition. Is there any place close to Cincy to do this?

The next order of business will be the SBR!! Smile 


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Location : Ohio

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Got my new Kriss CRB and... Empty Re: Got my new Kriss CRB and...

Post by ZombieDoubleTap Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:37 pm

Congrats and welcome to the club! welcome1 

Posts : 27
Join date : 2013-06-22
Location : Pennsylvania

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