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Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol?

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Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol? Empty Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol?

Post by evo8whoa Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:05 pm

Hey guys just curious if anyone here knows why my gun is so loud even with Osprey can? I put exact can on my FNX45 tactical and it's a lot quieter. Like my ears ring with vector and osprey I don't get it??


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Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol? Empty Re: Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol?

Post by MadDogDan Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:47 am

Not sure why, my Kriss SDP is just as quiet with my AAC TiRant on it as it is on my FNP45 Tactical.


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Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol? Empty Re: Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol?

Post by evo8whoa Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:56 pm

Could it be that i need fixed barrel spacer? just ordered one in case thats the problem.


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Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol? Empty Re: Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol?

Post by MadDogDan Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:48 pm

Were you trying to use your suppressor with the piston/Nielson Device installed? When using a pistol suppressor on a fixed barrel you need to remove the spring from the piston and replace it with the tube/spacer.


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Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol? Empty Re: Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol?

Post by Indysbr Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:23 pm

Yes you need the fixed barrel adapter


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Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol? Empty Re: Vector SBR and Osprey doesn't seem that quiet compared to pistol?

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