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Aftermarket mags will work?

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Aftermarket mags will work? Empty Aftermarket mags will work?

Post by A_Magyar Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:19 pm

I found a 27 rounds manufactured by KCI, anybody has those? Is it working?


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Aftermarket mags will work? Empty Re: Aftermarket mags will work?

Post by A_Magyar Sat Jan 05, 2013 9:14 pm

23 people was reading my question, and nobody has answer? It is a Kriss forum, somebody had to try those mags, so can you guys help me out????


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Aftermarket mags will work? Empty Re: Aftermarket mags will work?

Post by Legion2512 Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:29 pm

honestly those mags are not very common, (at least by me).
I have one KCI and to be honest I had quite a few feed issues with them. Ive had best luck w standard Glock 21 mags w adapter.

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Aftermarket mags will work? Empty Re: Aftermarket mags will work?

Post by DemskeetSkeet Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:54 pm

Legion2512 wrote:honestly those mags are not very common, (at least by me).
I have one KCI and to be honest I had quite a few feed issues with them. Ive had best luck w standard Glock 21 mags w adapter.

I have the 25+ round KRISS extensions on the Glock 21 13 round mags and they work great. When browsing the forum I have read quite a few posts regarding those KCI mags and that their are some feeding issues.

I know KRISS has told me they are working extremely hard and fast on getting some more of their mags in.

I would wait until KRISS updates their stock of g21 with extensions.


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Aftermarket mags will work? Empty Re: Aftermarket mags will work?

Post by A_Magyar Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:55 pm

Thank You! Smile


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Aftermarket mags will work? Empty Re: Aftermarket mags will work?

Post by AZ2000 Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:10 am

Try this post, may help.

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Aftermarket mags will work? Empty Re: Aftermarket mags will work?

Post by timebandit Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:38 pm

AZ2000 was trying to reply with a link to my question from a few days ago about my problems with these magazines. Check it out here, and internet etiquette dictates that you should use the search function or at least browse the previous posts on a forum before getting snipy with folks for not responding.

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