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Barrel adapter

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Barrel adapter  Empty Barrel adapter

Post by marcus6176 Mon May 20, 2013 11:50 am

Does any body know of any company that makes an adapter from metric to standard? I just got kriss back from kriss and I thought they would use standard thread, but it is my fault for not checking it out first. If I can't find one I might send it off to that guy who did someone else's on the forum, but I would love to hear some feedback about him as well. Thanks for any help Marcus.

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Age : 42
Location : Tallahassee, FL

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Barrel adapter  Empty Re: Barrel adapter

Post by marcus6176 Mon May 20, 2013 4:27 pm

This guy makes them for 68.00 shipped

Posts : 10
Join date : 2012-11-26
Age : 42
Location : Tallahassee, FL

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