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New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners.

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New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Empty New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners.

Post by obrez Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:29 pm

I just found this site. Until now i didn't know that that anyone else was playing around with mods and one off parts for these.
I really like the freefloat tube done by solscud007, wish I'd thought to do that.  on mine,
I made the shroud by machining a set of caps and using a carbon fiber tube. I use an offhand grip position that doesn't rely on holding the barrel, although I really like the idea of the freefloat tube to isolate the barrel. I also made the magwell that you see. I set mine up so that my mags drop free. I also made a new mag release. I had considered doing something like the right side release, but thought that the big paddle on the right side would be prone to snagging and would be easily damaged, much like some of the "BAD" levers for the AR's. On mine I made the left side button a little taller than the stock one. With the way I hold mine, I'm able to actuate the release with the heel of my left hand. I find this to be very efficient. I also found that the mags don't normally drop free, and in fact they swell when loaded, so I sanded them down. I then found that the standard catch didn't hold them securely enough, and they would drop out under recoil. I solved that by making the catch that I macined out of plastic, with a more promonent catch to engage the mags notch better. All in all, I'm pretty satisfied with the results, but now that I've seen what you guys have done, I think I need to try some of the mods that you've come up with. as soon as I can figure out to post jpegs, I'll share some pics.


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New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Empty Re: New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners.

Post by obrez Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:51 am

I'm pretty computer challenged and haven't been able to load my pics to a photo sharing service. Is there any member here that would be willing to except an email from me with my pics, and post them for me?


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New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Empty Re: New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners.

Post by obrez Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:41 pm

New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Zpfile18


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New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Empty Re: New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners.

Post by obrez Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:42 pm

New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Zpfile19


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New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Empty Re: New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners.

Post by obrez Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:44 pm

New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Zpfile20


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New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Empty Re: New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners.

Post by obrez Tue Nov 11, 2014 1:45 pm

New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Zpfile21


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Post by Solscud007 Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:22 pm

Very nice. A magwell has always been on my mind. But with the way Ace1Arms designed their mag release it blocks one of the mounting points for a
Possible mag well.

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New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners. Empty Re: New member, didn't know there were so many creative Kriss owners.

Post by obrez Tue Nov 11, 2014 3:42 pm

One of the parameters that I've dealt with on mine, has been that I didn't want to do anything permanent, so instead of gluing parts on, we're limited by the existing fastener locations on these. I had devised a similar right side mag release to the one that I see on this forum (mine was functional but much cruder) but, besides the long lever, I never liked the way it attached to the weapon. The one on the forum looks pretty slick, way nicer than the one I made. I'd be tempted to try it, but if I'd have to give up the mag well to do it, I think I'd live with my present setup. I do think I'd like to try a new FF tube, I just have to select a suitable hand guard to mod. Your's is based on the 15" MI, is that correct? BTW, thanks again for the posting instructions.


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