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My semi auto kriss is shooting 2 round burst

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My semi auto kriss is shooting 2 round burst Empty My semi auto kriss is shooting 2 round burst

Post by johngarcez Tue Jun 07, 2016 9:23 pm

For some reason my kriss sdp keeps shooting 2 round burst once every mag. Anyone ever had this issue? Is it bad? How is it even possible ?


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Join date : 2015-02-02

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My semi auto kriss is shooting 2 round burst Empty Re: My semi auto kriss is shooting 2 round burst

Post by Aeromat209 Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:48 am

Better have Kriss check it out in service . Have not heard of that happening with a Kriss . I was able to do that with my Dan Wesson V-Bob 1911 as the trigger was so light it startled me and caused a bumbfire.

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Location : Mountains of Colorado

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