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Korean KCI 26rnd Glock Mags & 230gr Golden Sabres

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Korean KCI 26rnd Glock Mags & 230gr Golden Sabres Empty Korean KCI 26rnd Glock Mags & 230gr Golden Sabres

Post by TheStalker Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:05 am

New here and have a couple of questions:

1. Any one used these or have knowledge of them? i have researched them and seems Glock die hards dont care for them and everyone else seems to be ok with them. Haven't read anything terribly bad about them either, but nothing about it being used in a KRISS.

2. Any one use/like the Remington Golden Sabers, 230gr? I got offered a great deal on a broken-up case and since they are on the KRISS approved ammo list might as well pick them up if they shoot fine.

Currently out of the country and looking to have my new CRB in my hands around January 4!


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Korean KCI 26rnd Glock Mags & 230gr Golden Sabres Empty Re: Korean KCI 26rnd Glock Mags & 230gr Golden Sabres

Post by mambro Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:59 am

Welcome to the forum!

1) KCI: There is mention of them in this thread: Mileage may vary; I've stuck to the MagEx for my needs.

2) Since they are on the KRISS approved list, you should be good to go.


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Korean KCI 26rnd Glock Mags & 230gr Golden Sabres Empty Re: Korean KCI 26rnd Glock Mags & 230gr Golden Sabres

Post by CatMostFeared Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:10 am

welcome the forum welcome1

I have 3 KCI mags I'm testing, I going to try them out again this weekend.
I had some failures last weekend on all my mags but I think it was the ammo

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Korean KCI 26rnd Glock Mags & 230gr Golden Sabres Empty Re: Korean KCI 26rnd Glock Mags & 230gr Golden Sabres

Post by TheStalker Mon Dec 03, 2012 8:55 am

Thanks guys!

That thread didn't come up on my search, looking forward to hearing more of your results CMF.

I just bought 3 myself to test when I get back home next month along with 3 extra factory Glock 13 mags.

Got a crap-load of 230gr Golden Sabers, PMC Bronze and Speer Lawman to burn through and test the mags with!


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Age : 50
Location : Jacksonville, NC - Dubai, UAE

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