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Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup

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Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup Empty Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup

Post by Kiptroloxe Sun Mar 24, 2013 7:19 pm

After seeing the KRISS grips in gold, I decided to chrome mine.
Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup Chrome10

Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup Sparkl10

You can also see my powertac cadet setup without the KRISS flashlight holder accessory. The cadet is snug inside the lighthouse by itself.

Posts : 81
Join date : 2013-01-03

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Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup Empty Re: Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup

Post by Jedi380 Sun Mar 24, 2013 8:42 pm

Do you have details on each install... please? rocks

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Location : Dayton, OH

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Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup Empty Re: Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup

Post by Kiptroloxe Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:01 pm

Of course. beers

For the chrome grips: I made a templet for the shape, then cut them out of chrome car vynal. I got the strips to stick by heating the with my hair dryer, instead of using my heat gun. I was a little worried my heat gun would melt the lower's plastic, since it doesnt have a temperature dial (its cheap). After a few minutes with the hair dryer they stuck well. Basically just quality stickers.

For the Powertac cadet: I wrapped a 1"x1" piece of duck tape on the shaft of the light, which makes the light extreamly snug in the lighthouse. It wont budge no matter how much I shake the weapon.


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Join date : 2013-01-03

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Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup Empty Re: Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup

Post by Jedi380 Sun Mar 24, 2013 11:24 pm

Another "duct tape success story!" 10

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Location : Dayton, OH

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Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup Empty Re: Chrome Grips + Powertac Cadet setup

Post by Kiptroloxe Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:19 am

Only in moderation. lol!

Posts : 81
Join date : 2013-01-03

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