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If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws?

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If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws? Empty If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws?

Post by Aeromat209 Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:33 pm

I am waiting for my tax stamp for a folding stock to make my SDP a SBR but wasn't clear on the Vert grip!

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If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws? Empty Re: If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws?

Post by sargebailey Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:13 am

Yes it is a violation of atf rules to add a vertical grip to any pistol including your sdp. You can add a magpul afg though because it is not considered a vertical grip. Google afg on pistol.


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If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws? Empty Re: If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws?

Post by Jedi380 Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:02 pm

The AFG fore-grip is pretty popular on the Kriss weapons. I have one on my SDP too, although I haven't had the time (or ammo) to fire it much with this setup.

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If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws? Empty Re: If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws?

Post by Solscud007 Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:15 am

Vert grips are a no no. But in all honesty they aren't good for firearm manipulation of the Vector.

AFG is the best. Your hand is higher up and can control the muzzle better. Also you just slide your hand down to access bolt release and mag release. Vert grips require you to unwrap your thumb. It seems like a minor thing, but it does impede operation a bit and if you are running and gunning fast, then you don't want hang ups.

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If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws? Empty Re: If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws?

Post by Kiptroloxe Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:57 pm

In May 1993, in response to legal action brought by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the South Carolina District Court's finding of fact concluded that a pistol modified with the addition of vertical fore grips was still a pistol and not an any other weapon device.[1] Following this, the ATF dropped their charges and the case was not tried; as such no precedent was set.
Case was US vs. Davis Cr. No. 8:93-106, Report of Magistrate. This probably doesn't help you, as your not a SC resident, but I am. To be clear though, there is no vertical grip on my SDP. I dont want the federal government coming to my home over some plastic connected to some more plastic. Fuck Big Govt. and Promote States Rights!


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If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws? Empty Re: If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws?

Post by Megatron Tue Jun 02, 2015 4:33 pm

Kiptroloxe wrote:In May 1993, in response to legal action brought by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), the South Carolina District Court's finding of fact concluded that a pistol modified with the addition of vertical fore grips was still a pistol and not an any other weapon device.[1] Following this, the ATF dropped their charges and the case was not tried; as such no precedent was set.
Case was US vs. Davis Cr. No. 8:93-106, Report of Magistrate. This probably doesn't help you, as your not a SC resident, but I am. To be clear though, there is no vertical grip on my SDP. I dont want the federal government coming to my home over some plastic connected to some more plastic. Fuck Big Govt. and Promote States Rights!

I just found this too. So does this mean that I can put my foregrip back on my kriss with my sig brace on it. Try as I might I couldn't get the 26" overall length with the buffer tube. I got 25" :/


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If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws? Empty Re: If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws?

Post by gm2376 Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:32 am

If you want to pay a big fine and go to jail


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If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws? Empty Re: If I add a Vertical fore grip to my SDP am I breaking any laws?

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