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Remington 2020

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Remington 2020 Empty Remington 2020

Post by Solscud007 Thu Oct 17, 2013 5:50 pm

Remington came out to train us and allow us to try out some of their products.

The most interesting is the Remington 2020. It is a lite version of the Tracking Point Weapon System.

The scope is matched to a 700 SPS in 30.06. The scope is a digital scope. So it is a camera and a screen. You tag your target and it lazes the distance and takes in atmospheric pressure, temp and wind to calculate the shot and show you where to shoot.

Part 1

Part 2

The coolest feature is the real time live view of what the shooter sees via Wifi into your smart phone or tablet.

At $5500, it is way cheaper than the real Tracking Point system ($20K+) But I feel like a traditional weapon system and well practiced shooter can do what this system can. However the simultaneous real time viewing is a very great feature. For coaching and for operation coordination.

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Join date : 2012-01-05
Age : 44
Location : Pittsburgh, PA

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