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Charging handle blemish

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Charging handle blemish Empty Charging handle blemish

Post by danelonson Mon Feb 03, 2014 10:37 pm

Hello everybody just purchased a brand new Carbine vector from my local gun store about a week ago. While I was holding the rifle at the store I noticed that the charging handle had a round blemish with discoloration right in the center of it but didn't think much of it at the time. However, I now regret purchasing it because that blemish/scratch is really bothering me. Is there any way I can remove the mark or do I have to just live with it? I'm starting to regret buying it that way. What do you guys think?


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Join date : 2014-02-03

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Charging handle blemish Empty Re: Charging handle blemish

Post by Kipp Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:57 pm


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Charging handle blemish Empty Re: Charging handle blemish

Post by Solscud007 Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:07 pm

You can try contacting KRISS Customer Service.

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Age : 44
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